A journey on the Time of Dreams

Apr 29, 2024


We had a formidable turnout this afternoon with the opening of the exhibition “A Journey on the Time of Dreams” by maestro Maximo Laura from Perú 🇵🇪 , where museum representatives, diplomats, special guests and public in general enjoyed the mesmerizing and colorful tapestry work of maestro Laura. The Consul General of Perú, Verónika Bustamente, who partnered with UNAM Chicago in organizing the exhibit, introduced the artist.


In his remarks Maestro Laura referred to weaving as a “medium to create sublime beauty, to pain the soul of the people, interpret the spirit of the earth, and leave undying footprints in our passage through time”


I would encourage everyone to come check it out and spread the word among your friends and family. The exhibit will be on display until May 10th from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 5 and Friday´s from 9 to 3. You really don´t want to miss it!!