Spanish for Social Workers

For students and professionals in the area of community social work who are non-native speakers of Spanish or heritage speakers of Spanish.


For more information: 


Participants develop communicative and socio-cultural competencies to better understand and serve the Hispanic community at work settings such as schools, agencies, hospitals, and the Department of Social Services offices.


Vocabulary and grammar are practiced through simulations that reflect common interactions between clients and social workers.


Levels offered:

Introductory to Advanced


A course of 45 hours for a group of up to 20 participants:

Fee: $5,400 USD

A course of 30 hours for a group of up to 20 participants:

Fee: $3,600 USD

A course of 20 hours for a group of up to 20 participants:

Fee: $2,400 USD

A course of 15 hours for a group of up to 20 participants:

Fee: $1,800 USD

For more information:


*Materials (books) are not included in these fees.


In Person

Online (Zoom)


Hours and days according to group's needs.